Architects and Town Planners

Optimize urban planning, understand zoning and simplify due diligence.

Quickly do research for your next exciting project.

Mapview is an innovative tool that covers more than 15 million properties in its database. Our enriched database has everything you would want to know about a property. We offer over 3000 links in one place, including planning zones and overlays, planning permits, building permits and critical due diligence information.

Conveniently assess any sort of property data on MapView with a wide range of advanced filters to help find the most relevant information. Including 3D mappings of buildings, zones, overlays, planning permits and more.

Architects and town planners can seamlessly integrate urban design considerations into their projects using Mapview. The platform's advanced mapping features and geographic layers enable professionals to visualize and incorporate key urban elements, ensuring designs align with the surrounding environment.

Mapview provides architects and town planners with valuable tools to assess zoning regulations and planning data. By understanding local regulations and compliance requirements, professionals can create designs that adhere to legal frameworks, streamlining the approval process and avoiding potential setbacks.

With access to detailed property data and historical trends, architects and town planners can tailor their designs to specific site conditions. Mapview's comprehensive information on terrain, infrastructure, and historical data assists in creating site-specific design solutions that are both contextually relevant and environmentally conscious.

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Your one-stop solution for all property information.